A tap tickles him and double taps change his expressions. On the hour every hour he acts in a certain way. In the full version 2 options for the Pesoguin Clock Widget are available.
Please tap on the widget, and “Pesoguin” will speak to you. In this easy game you can enjoy the life with dear Pesoguin. You’ll find it a tool with full of entertainment.
Please tap on the widget, and “Pesoguin” will speak to you. In this easy game you can enjoy the life with dear Pesoguin. You’ll find it a tool with full of entertainment.
This is a clock widget of "Pesoguin", a popular character in Japan. Pesoguin on the home screen tells you time in 12-hour format or 24-hour format.
Pesoguin Clock Full -Penguin- v4.2.0
Size: 5.5 Mb | Android: 2.1 and up
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