Rabu, 26 Februari 2014

Lucky Patcher Apk v4.1.6 Build1140 Android by Chelpus

Lucky Patcher v4.1.6 Build1140 APK by Chelpus
Although stable, functioning of Lucky Patcher can't be guaranteed at 100%.
So you are solely responsible of use of this application.
Under no circumstances Netbew be responsible for any problems caused to your device (rebooting loop, unstable system, etc...).


Download: Lucky Patcher: Full version apk file Below:
v3.9.8 build 1120 : HERE
Lucky Patcher v4.1.6 Build1140 : HERE


Lucky Patcher is a great Android tool to remove ads, modify Permissions, bypass premium applications license verification, and more.
Lucky Patcher v4.1.6 Build1140 APK
Size: 2.6 Mb | Android: 2.0 and up + Rooted Device

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