Senin, 31 Maret 2014

DoggCatcher Podcast Player Paid v1.2.4054 Apk Working

DoggCatcher Podcast Player
Android Central's Editors' Choice podcatcher of the year.
Android Central's Readers' Choice runner up podcatcher of the year.
Lifehacker (Nov-2011) finds DoggCatcher to be "The Best Podcast Manager for Android"
Easy to find new podcasts/feeds.
Fully automated download and cleanup of media files.
Offline playback of audio and video.
Categories for feeds.
Updated frequently - 100+ updates since first release in November 2008.
Active user community - 10000+ forum posts.
Highly configurable.
Build in variable speed playback for Android 2.3.3 and higher (current in Beta)

v1.2.4054 APK FILE: HERE or HERE
v1.2.4038 APK FILE: HERE
v1.2.4037 APK FILE: HERE

Tags: DoggCatcher Podcast Player apk, DoggCatcher Podcast Player apk download, DoggCatcher Podcast Player for android, DoggCatcher Podcast Player v1.2.4054 full version

Manage your podcasts and RSS/news feeds with the first Podcatcher in the Google Market.
DoggCatcher Podcast Player APK v1.2.4054 Download
Size: Varies with device | Android: Varies with device

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