Sabtu, 12 April 2014

Notification Weather Premium Apk v2.5.3 Paid Version

Notification Weather Premium v2.5.3 Full Apk
Notification Weather Premium is specifically designed to be as simple and intuitive as possible. In fact, Notification Weather requires 0 clicks to operate as it runs entirely in the background, thus minimizing impact on battery life or data usage.

The forecast is placed directly in the notification dropdown and blends seamlessly with the operating system, leading you, the user, to believe it is part of the system.

Notification Weather Premium is using Weather data from some of the best weather sources available including: AccuWeather, Open Weather Map, Yahoo! weather, and World Weather Online.

DOWNLOAD from Zippyshare

Tags: Notification Weather Premium apk, android apk, Notification Weather Premium apk full version, Notification Weather Premium apk download

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