Kamis, 02 Januari 2014

Scanthing (OCR & PDF Creator) Download v2.01 Apk

Scanthing (OCR & PDF Creator)
Scanthing (OCR & PDF Creator) full version apk file download Below:
v2.01: HERE

Scanthing extracts text from pictures and documents and allows you to search for them by keywords on your phone using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology. It supports image cleaning and conversion to PDF, including creating keyword searchable PDFs from your image. Its the only Document Scanner you need. Scanthing supports OCR in 33 languages.


The best and most intelligent optical character recognition (OCR) App on Android Play.
Scanthing (OCR & PDF Creator) v2.01
Size: 6.6 Mb | Android: 2.2 and up

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